Listen to veterinary professionals from the Beef Cattle Institute at Kansas State University talk about a variety of topics within the beef industry.
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! This episode begins with Dr. Phillip Lancaster and Dr. Brian Libber discussing different strategies for determining cow body condition health. The show progresses with the experts answering a listener question asking if he should implant is calves. Dr. Brad White wraps up the episode by discussing fall calvers and how… Continue reading Weighing Cows, Should I Implant?, Fall Calvers
Dr. Philip Lancaster and Dr. Brad White sit down and discuss feed intake in weaned calves and ways that producers can affect the intake. Tune in to this episode of Bovine Science with BCI to learn more.
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Dr. Brad White, Dr. Phillip Lancaster, Dr. Dustin Pendell and Dr. Brian Lubbers cover selling your calves in the fall. They then discuss how to manage antimicrobial use and close out with a discussion on euthanasia 3:34 Preparing for sale day 9:50 Antimicrobial use. 15:12 Discussion about euthanasia. or more… Continue reading Fall Calf Sales, Antimicrobial Usage, Euthanasia
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Dr. Brad White, Dr. Phillip Lancaster, Dr. Dustin Pendell and Dr. Brian Lubbers cover photosensitization in cattle with guest Dr. Scott Fritz. They then discuss some economic trade questions from Dustin followed by a look at the importance of water quality. 3:34 Photosensitization and how to manage it. 10:30 Questions… Continue reading Photosensitization, Trade, Water Quality
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! The experts open the episode by answering a listener question from Australia regarding cull cows. The experts continue the show by discussing a listener’s question about the possibility of transferring feeder heifers into breeding heifers. This edition of Cattle Chat winds down with Dr. Brad White asking the experts about the future… Continue reading Australia Listener Question, Feeder Heifer Question, Beef Industry at a Glance
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! The show kicks off with the experts answering a listener’s question about pinkeye. The episode continues with Dr. Paige Schmidt giving an update on her research. The experts conclude this edition of Cattle Chat by responding to another listener’s question concerning a liquid feeds. Thanks for tuning in and enjoy the episode! … Continue reading Pinkeye Listener Question, AIP Research Update, Liquid Feeds Listener Question
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! The show kicks off with Dr. Phillip Lancaster answering a listener’s question about feeding rye grain to cattle. Dr. Brad White continues the episode by announcing a grant the Beef Cattle Institute has received from the Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research. The experts conclude this edition of Cattle Chat… Continue reading Listener Question, FFAR ICASA Grant, Listener Question
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! The hosts begin the episode by answering a listener’s question about the causes and prevention methods associated with dummy calves. Dr. Brian Lubbers progresses the show with a conversation about health label claims on food products. The experts wrap up this edition of Cattle Chat by updating the listenership on… Continue reading Listener Question, Yogurt Health Claim, Summer Research Update
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! To kick off the show, Dr. Dustin Pendell and the other hosts examine a recent report from the Kansas Farm Management Association titled 2023 Executive Summary, which contains data about net farm income, government payments and insurance in Kansas. To continue the show, Dr. Phillip Lancaster explains how to properly… Continue reading KFMA 2023 Executive Summary, Body Condition Scoring, Excess Rain
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! This episode begins with Dr. Phillip Lancaster and Dr. Bob Larson discussing different strategies for feeding cattle during extreme heat. The show progresses with a conversation concerning risk management methods that producers should contemplate now for shipping calves in the fall. Larson continues the episode by examining three facial diseases:… Continue reading Heat Feeding, Risk Management, Facial Diseases, Cull Criteria
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Dr. Brad White opens up this episode by asking the other hosts questions regarding fly control, grazing and pink eye. The experts continue the show by discussing a listener’s question about calves trying to nurse first-calf heifers instead of their dams. This edition of Cattle Chat winds down with Dr. Brian Lubbers… Continue reading Rapid-Fire Questions, Listener Question, Antibiotics
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Dr. Fred Gingrich, DVM and executive director of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners, sits down with the hosts to provide an update on the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza outbreak — a virus recently transmitted to dairy cattle called H1:N1. The experts and Dr. Gingrich progress this episode by sharing… Continue reading HPAI, Future Veterinary Technologies, Rapid-Fire Questions
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! The experts begin the show by discussing the pros and cons of pulling bulls during/after the breeding season. Dr. Phillip Lancaster continues this edition of Cattle Chat by relaying all the known information about Leaky gut – a new and peculiar disease to cattle production. BCI student Luis Feitoza closes out… Continue reading Removing Bulls, Leaky Gut, Ultrasonography
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! All calves require some sort of spring/summer processing. Two of the more painful events during these times include dehorning and castration. In this episode, the experts invite K-State college of veterinary medicine student Jake Schumacher to share the progress of his research on how maternal bovine appeasing substance affects calf… Continue reading Pain Management, Grazing Forages, Sudden Calf Death
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Most nutritionists consider water the most significant nutrient cattle consume, so correctly managing this finite resource becomes critical for successful beef production. Joe Gerken, K-State assistant professor of Wildlife and Outdoor Enterprise Management, begins the episode by discussing various pond fundamentals with the hosts. Gerken and the experts then progress… Continue reading Pond Basics, Listener Questions, Pond Management
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Ever wondered when its time to cut your losses and ship that sick calf out of the yard? Lilli Heinen joins the show to help answer that question and talk about her research concerning case fatality risk. The hosts continue the show by discussing important things for 4-Hers to remember… Continue reading Case Fatality Risk, 4-H Calves, PAC CARB
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Dan Moser begins this week’s episode answering a listener’s question regarding the accuracy of a young sire’s EPDs. The hosts continue the show replying to rapid fire questions on how to be successful as a student and young professional within the beef cattle business. Moser carries on this edition of… Continue reading EPD Accuracy, Rapid Fire Questions, Breed Associations & EPDs, Spontaneous Genetic Change
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! The show kicks off with Dr. Bob Larson updating listeners on a recent visit taken to rural practices by Veterinary Training Program for Rural Kansas participants. Dr. Dustin Pendell continues the show by asking the other hosts economic questions about cover crops in cattle production. The episode winds down with… Continue reading VTPRK, Economic Questions, Monitoring Cows
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Dr. Brad White, Dr. Phillip Lancaster and Dr. Brian Lubbers cover a lot of ground on this week’s episode from international guests to summer grazing. Dr. Conrad Schelkopf joins the hosts and rounds out the episode discussing his research on the electronic nose. 3:13 Takeaways from the discussions with New… Continue reading International Visitors, Summer Grazing, Electronic Nose
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Guest Larry Myers of Strobel Manufacturing joins the hosts to talk about heat stress and the options available to help keep cattle cooler. Additionally, BCI veterinary experts share some guidance on taking care of young calves this time of year. 5:22 The impacts of heat stress on cattle 12:02 Managing… Continue reading Heat Stress and Calf Management
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! In this episode the experts discuss what we currently know about high path avian influenza, how to introduce multiple bulls back into the pasture and answer some questions about spring herd management. 3:05 What we Know Currently about High Path Avian Influenza 11:33 Listener Question: Introducing Multiple Bulls Back into… Continue reading High Path Avian Influenza, Multiple Bull Pasture, Spring Herd Management
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! In this episode guests Dr. Eduarda Bortoluzzi and Rebecca Bigelow join the experts to discuss managing stress in calves, twins in beef herds and beef/dairy crosses. Guests: Dr. Eduarda Bortoluzzi, KSU Beef Specialist Rebecca Bigelow, Ph.D, Student 4:23 Listener Question: Managing Stress in Calves 10:28 Twins in Beef Herds 15:45… Continue reading Managing Stress in Calves, Twins in Beef Herds, Beef/Dairy Crosses
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! In this episode the experts discuss what do when a bull doesn’t pass a bull BSE and answer some economic questions. Guest Dannell Kopp also discuss her research about metaphylaxis. Guest: Dannell Kopp, Graduate and Veterinary Student 2:21 Bull BSE 10:47 Economic Questions 14:00 Research Roundup: Metaphylaxis For more on… Continue reading Bull BSE, Economic Questions, Research Roundup: Metaphylaxis
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! In this episode guest Bob Weaber joins the crew to discuss cow depreciation and is it a big deal or no; farm safety and OSHA; and answer a listener question about bull selection. Guest: Bob Weaber, Department Head Eastern Kansas Research and Extension Centers 3:45 Cow Depreciation: A Big Deal… Continue reading Cow Depreciation, Farm Safety, Bull Selection
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! In this episode guest Dr. Jason Warner joins the crew to discuss vertically coordinated beef supply chains, how to decrease cost on your operations and usefulness of annual vaccinations. Guest: Dr. Jason Warner, K-State Cow-Calf Specialist 4:04 Listener Question: Vertically Coordinated Beef Supply Chain 10:54 How to Decrease Cost… Continue reading Vertically Coordinated Beef, How to Decrease Cost on my Operation, Usefulness of Annual Vaccinations
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! In this episode guest Dr. Clay Breiner joins the crew to discuss embryo transfer and synchronization as well as answer some economics questions. This episode is sponsored by Cross Country Genetics. We Want to Hear From YouThe Beef Cattle Institute team would like to hear your thoughts about the Cattle… Continue reading Embryo Transfer, Economic Questions, Synchronization
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! In this episode the experts discuss should you keep females out of first calf heifers and offspring being on the maternal side. Guest Katie Long discusses her research about combination therapy. We Want to Hear From YouThe Beef Cattle Institute team would like to hear your thoughts about the Cattle… Continue reading Should you Keep Females from First Calf Heifers, Offspring Being Open, Research Roundup
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! In this episode guest, Adrienne Lulay, and the experts discuss tips for AI success, heat detection vs. timed breeding and sexed semen in commercial operations. This episode is sponsored by Estrotect. We Want to Hear From YouThe Beef Cattle Institute team would like to hear your thoughts about the Cattle… Continue reading Tips for AI Success, Heat Detection vs. Timed Breeding, Sexed Semen in Commercial Operations
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 2:32 Research Round-Up: Rebecca Bigelow 9:52 Breeding Season Questions 15:20 Boosting Heifers Prior to Puberty Guest: Rebecca Bigelow, Ph.D. Student For… Continue reading Research Round-Up, Breeding Season Questions, Boosting Heifers Prior to Puberty
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 2:20 Mycoplasma Pneumonia 8:54 Economic Questions 18:29 Average Age of Beef Cow Herd For more on BCI Cattle Chat, follow us… Continue reading Mycoplasma Pneumonia, Economic Questions, Average Age of Cow Herd
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 2:17 Listener Question: Silage 10:09 Picking the Right Bull for your Operation 19:30 Vaccination Programs for Heifers For more on BCI… Continue reading Silage, Picking the Right Bull, Vaccination Programs for Heifers
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 2:02 Pre-breeding Heifer Management 12:35 Listener Question: Length of Bull Breeding Season 18:01 USDA Cattle Inventory Numbers For more on BCI… Continue reading Pre-breeding Heifer Management, Length of Bull Breeding Season, USDA Cattle Inventory Numbers
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 2:23 Cattle on Feed Report 12:24 Listener Question: Hoof Care 17:32 Research Round-Up: Luis Feitoza Guest: Luis Feitoza, Graduate Research Assistant… Continue reading Cattle on Feed Report, Hoof Care, Research Round-Up
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 1:56 Post Calving 11:11 Cattle on Feed Up 4% in Kansas: What Does It Mean for You? 15:43 Calving Season Questions… Continue reading Post Calving, Cattle on Feed, Calving Season Questions
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 2:11 Listener Question: Feeding Times for Calving Cows 7:24 Economic Questions 16:10 Electrolytes for Scouring Calves For more on BCI Cattle… Continue reading Feeding Times for Calving Cows, Economic Questions, Electrolytes for Scouring Calves
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 2:14 Listener Question: Commercial Colostrum Replacement 9:10 Listener Question: Getting Ready for Calving 14:24 Listener Question: When is the Right Time… Continue reading Commercial Colostrum Replacement, Getting Ready for Calving, When is the Right Time to Calve
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 3:01 Listener Question: Building Your Own Herd 12:45 Listener Question: Cross Breeding Beef Sire Selection ManualBreed and Composite Selection 16:27 Listener… Continue reading Building Your Own Herd, Cross Breeding, BMR Corn Silage
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 3:30 BCI Internship/First Semester in Vet School 9:12 Economic Questions 14:51 Dr. Brian Lubbers’ Travels Guest: Tara Ellenz, First Year Veterinarian… Continue reading BCI Internship, Economic Questions, Dr. Lubbers’ Travels
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 2:50 How to Prepare for your Future in the Beef Industry 9:13 Listener Question: Creep Feeding 18:04 Listener Question: Disease Issues… Continue reading Prepare for your Future, Creep Feeding, Disease Issues
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 3:11 Featured Guests on the Podcast 5:45 Topics Discussed 9:36 Biggest Issues Facing the Beef Industry 14:29 Record Keeping 20:57 New… Continue reading Year End Review
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 2:14 Winter Feeding Plans 11:08 Cold Weather Management 17:58 Research Round-Up: Makenna Jensen Guest: Makenna Jensen, Veterinary Student and BCI Graduate… Continue reading Winter Feeding Plans, Cold Weather Management, Research Round-Up
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 3:39 AVC Highlights 10:45 Economic Questions 15:39 Confined Systems for Feeding Cows Guest: Dr. Jason Warner, K-State Cow-Calf Extension Specialist For… Continue reading AVC Highlights, Economic Questions, Confined Systems
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 3:10 Industry Inventory Counts: How Does it Impact Me? 10:18 Winter Cow and Bull Management 18:43 Research Round-Up: Maddie Mancke… Continue reading Industry Inventory Counts, Winter Cow and Bull Management, Research Round-Up
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 4:19 What is Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef? 10:42 Role of Genetics in Sustainability 17:54 What can I do as… Continue reading Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef, Role of Genetics in Sustainability, What Can I do as a Producer
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 2:32 Selecting Replacement Heifers 10:00 Selling Calves 17:36 Treating Sick Calves Guest: Bob Weaber, Department Head Eastern Kansas Research and Extension… Continue reading Selecting Replacement Heifers, Selling Calves, Treating Sick Calves
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 4:10 Bringing in Bred Heifers 11:46 Economic Questions 20:00 Pest Control For more on BCI Cattle Chat, follow us… Continue reading Bringing in Bred Heifers, Economic Questions, Pest Control
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 2:30 Listener Question: Sandhills Calving 7:16 Corn Stalk Bales 11:40 Mandatory Price Reporting Guest: Dr. Ted Schroeder, K-State Agricultural Economics… Continue reading Sandhills Calving, Corn Stalk Bales, Mandatory Price Reporting
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 2:25 Sustainability in Beef Production 12:39 Herd Records in Cow-Calf Operations 20:11 Feeder Calf Marketing Information on CalfDex Guest:… Continue reading Sustainability in Beef Production, Herd Records, Feeder Calf Marketing
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 3:01 Beef/Dairy Cross Genetics 11:23 Listener Question: Managing Hay Shortages 17:00 Genetics Have Improved: How About Weaning Weights? Guest: Bob… Continue reading Beef/Dairy Cross Genetics, Managing Hay Shortages, Have Weaning Weights Improved
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 2:57 – Listener Question: Growing Your Operation 9:57 – Listener Question: Anaplasmosis 16:47- Listener Question: Grazing Failed Beans For more… Continue reading Growing Your Operation, Anaplasmosis, Grazing Failed Beans
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 2:36 Does High Tech Repro Technology fit into a Commercial Operation? 8:58 Dustin Trip Recap and Economic Questions 16:55 What Does… Continue reading High Tech Repro Technology, Economic Questions, What Does it Mean to be a Recip Herd
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 3:24 What’s Next in Genetic Technologies 11:38 Listener Question: Supplemental Protein 16:20 Selecting for Sustainability Guest: Bob Weaber, Department Head… Continue reading What’s Next in Genetic Technologies, Supplemental Protein, Selecting for Sustainability
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 3:25 How Do I Prevent Pregnancy Loss 12:14 Culling Decisions at Preg Checking 18:08 Infertility vs. Pre-Loss: How Would I Know… Continue reading How do I Prevent Pregnancy Loss, Culling Decisions at Preg Checking, Infertility vs. Pre-Loss
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. If you missed Cattle Chat live at the Kansas State Fair don’t worry you can listen to it here. You can… Continue reading Cattle Chat Live at the Kansas State Fair
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 3:54 Research: Shade and Limit Feeding – Heat Impacts 11:14 Goals with Pregnancy Checking 16:35 Listener Question: How to Best Handle… Continue reading Research – Heat Impacts, Goals with Pregnancy Checking, How to Best Handle Heat Stress?
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 3:00 Replacement Heifers 9:19 Listener Question: Feeding Soybean Hay 17:14 What is Compounding? Guest: Scott Fritz, K-State Clinical Assistant Professor of… Continue reading Replacement Heifers, Feeding Soybean Hay, What is Compounding?
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 2:22 Listener Question: Starting Calves on Ground Hay or Bales? 10:28 Economic Questions 18:10 Seedstock Producers: What are diseases/challenges? For more… Continue reading Listener Question, Economic Questions, Seedstock Producers: What are diseases/challenges?
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 3:00 Heifer Management 10:10 Vaccination Timing for Calves 16:00 Hidden Cost of Transportation: Shrink For more on BCI Cattle Chat, follow… Continue reading Heifer Management, Vaccination Timing for Calves, Hidden Cost of Transportation: Shrink
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 3:00 AVC Conference Summary, 10:00 Role of a Composite Sire in a Commercial Breeding Program 17:00 Composite bulls For more on… Continue reading AVC Conference Summary, Treatment Strategies for Sick Cattle on Summer Pastures, Role of a Composite Sire in a Commercial Breeding Program
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 3:00 BVD Herd Prevalence 10:00 Beef Consumption in North America 17:00 Late Summer Fly Management For more on BCI Cattle Chat,… Continue reading BVD Herd Prevalence, Beef Consumption in North America, Late Summer Fly Management
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 3:00 Cattle Inventory and Selling Strategies 10:00 Fall Planting for Grazing 17:00 Selecting a Weaning Date For more on BCI Cattle… Continue reading Cattle Inventory and Selling Strategies,Grazing Management for Fall,Selecting a Weaning Date
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 3:00 Listener Question: Product Disposable 8:50 What To Do With a Deceased Animal 17:23 Intensive Grazing and Impact on Sustainability For… Continue reading Listener Question: Product Disposable,What To Do With a Deceased Animal,Intensive Grazing and Impact on Sustainability
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 3:00 Listener Question: EPD Overview 10:00 European Market Knowledge 15:00 Managing Breeding Pastures for Optimum Genetics Guest: Dr. Megan Rolf, K-State Beef Cattle Geneticist… Continue reading Listener Question: EPD Overview, European Market Knowledge, Managing Breeding Pastures for Optimum Genetics
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 3:00: Collaborating Center for the Economics of Animal Health- Americas 10:00: Bovine Leukemia Virus and Fertility 17:00: Listener Question: Grazing Costs… Continue reading Collaborating Center for the Economics of Animal Health- Americas, Bovine Leukemia Virus and Fertility, Listener Question: Grazing Costs
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 3:00 Pinkeye 10:00 Low Stress Cattle Handling 17:00 Listener Question: Heat Stress For more on BCI Cattle Chat, follow us on… Continue reading Pinkeye, Low Stress Cattle Handling, Listener Question: Heat Stress
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 3:00 Cattle Preparations for the Fair 8:30 Heat Stress 17:00 Research Round Up Guest Eduarda Bortoluzzi For more on BCI Cattle… Continue reading Preparations for the Fair, Heat Stress, Research Round Up
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 3:00 Introducing Agriculture Today Host Shelby Varner 8:45 Tips for Managing Products in the Summer 17:00 Beef Cattle Welfare Research Review… Continue reading Introducing Agriculture Today Host Shelby Varner, Tips for Managing Products in the Summer, Beef Cattle Welfare Research Review with Dr. Eduarda Bortoluzzi
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 3:00 Water Issues When Ponds Are Low 10:00 Hay Cutting and Storage 17:00 Guidance 263 and the Beef Producer For more… Continue reading Water Issues When Ponds Are Low, Hay Cutting and Storage, Guidance 263 and the Beef Producer
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 3:00 Listener Question-Hair Shedding 10:00 Dustins Questions 17:00 Listener Question: Factors Influencing Twin Births Guest: Bob Weber, Specialist in Beef Breeding… Continue reading Hair Shedding, 5 Year Anniversary Questions, Factors Influencing Twin Births
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 3:00 Processing Babies, labor and facility 11:00 Listener Question 17:30 Gut Health: not just the rumen For more on BCI Cattle… Continue reading Processing Babies, Listener Question, Gut Health: not just the rumen
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 2:41 Lameness; is it all foot rot? 10:58 Factors Impacting Birth Weight 17:09 Research Round-Up Guest: Rachel Brown Master and… Continue reading Lameness, Factors Impacting Birth Weight, Research Round-Up
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 2:54 Male Fertility 11:32 Value Proposition Of Reproduction Technology 17:30 Genomic Selection Guest: Dr. Clay Briener, Veterinary for Cross Country Genetics… Continue reading Male Fertility, Value Proposition Of Reproduction Technology And Genomic Selection
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 2:43 Grass Tetany 11:29 Hidden Operational Costs 17:06 Listener Question: Calf is Not Doing Well For more on BCI Cattle Chat,… Continue reading Grass Tetany, Hidden Operational Costs, Listener Question
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 1:32 – -Listener Question – Daylight and Breeding for Cows Reference Article 6:11 National Institute for Animal Agriculture (NIAA) Update 10:39… Continue reading Listener Question, NIAA, Economic Questions, Electric Fencing
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 3:08 Processing Calves at Turnout 11:26 Listener Question: Implanting Bulls 16:20 Pre-pasture Turnout Checklist Beef Quality Assurance Guest: Julia… Continue reading Processing Calves, Implanting Bulls, Pre-Pasture Turnout Checklist
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 2:28 Feeding Cows Too Much or Not Enough 10:28 Dairy Beef Changes/Expansion 16:40 Potential Solutions to Front End Loading For more… Continue reading Feeding Cows, Dairy Beef, Front End Loading
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 3:04 IVF/Reproduction 10:05 Breeding Questions 16:57 What Have You Learned About Fertility in Herds Guest: Dr. Clay Briener, Veterinary for… Continue reading IVF/Reproduction, Breeding Questions, Fertility in Herds
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 4:21 How to be a Beef Advocate? 11:28 Sustainability is it Important to Me? 17:35 Checkoff-funded Beef Nutrition ResearchKansas Beef Council… Continue reading Beef Advocacy, Defining Sustainability, Beef Checkoff Research
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 2:23 Listener Question – Dystocia in Heifers 10:24 Brian’s Trip to Australia for the Antimicrobial Conference 17:07 Research Round-Up Guests: Lilli… Continue reading Listener Question, Brian’s Trip, Research Round Up
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Please click on any links below to be taken to sources mentioned in the podcast. Keep an eye out for news regarding the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 2:09 Pre-Weaning BRD 7:07 Managing Bottle Calves 15:48 Building Immunity to BRD Guests: Amelia Woolums, Professor at Mississippi State University For… Continue reading Pre-Weaning BRD, Managing Bottle Calves, Building Immunity to BRD